Over the next couple of weeks, a lot of Bay Staters will be heading up 93 to help us carry Manchester, NH for the Obama/Biden ticket. I appreciate the help, and I want to make sure you don't accidentally end up supporting a disgusting right winger by accident.
During the Obama rally in Manchester last Month, I was stunned to see people wnader from the rally into Joe Kelly's Pizza on Elm St.
Joe Kelly's is owned by Joseph Kelly Levasseur. Levasseur is own of the most foul and repulsive right wing politicians in New Hampshire.
He's a misogynist who once called then-state Democratic chair Kathy Sullivan a "fat liberal pig" during a speech at a GOP fundraising dinner.
Not content with that, he had one of his employees dress up in a pig mask and a wig on a cable television program.
He has been running around making repeated scurrilous references to Barack Obama and drug use.
When Levasseur was a member of the Board of Aldermen, he once became so abusive and out of control that the mayor had to threaten to have the police physically removed from City Hall.
He was removed from the Verizon Wireless Arena for being out of control and obnoxious during a Monarchs game. Yes. he was so annoying that even hockey fans got sick of him!
He has sent me dozens of emails at my aldermanic account. He doesn't stick to city issues, but instead insults my wife's appearance and her job (as a homeless shelter assistant, no less), and makes up bizzare charges against my friends.
He has had one of his employees make crude and insulting calls to my home phone at 11 PM.
Levasseur's nonsense has become so out of line that even staunch Republicans like Frank Guinta, Jeb Bradley, John Stephen, and others have denounced his actions. Ray Wieczorek seems to be the sole GOP politician who is still chummy with Levasseur.
Levasseur is a strange and nasty man who represents the worst the right wing has to offer. Anyone with a scrap of decency, be they Democrat, Republican, or Independent, needs to keep their dollars far, far away from this character.