Expert: Fabled white squirrel of Jamaica Plain likely an albino
By adamg - Tue, 12/02/2008 - 7:04pm.
State wildlife biologist considers video taken by Steve Garfield of the squirrel near Jamaica Pond, says it looks like a true albino squirrel, as opposed to being a squirrel with white fur (albinos have pink eyes; white-furred squirrels have dark eyes).
More: prior thread:
The mutant squirrel of Davis Square
Topic started by IanDB1 on Aug-05-07 11:11 AM (0 replies) also:
Hey Steve, it was an albino squirrel!
Posted By: jcunningham | Yesterday at 4:27 pm
Boston-area blogger Steve Garfield captured a white squirrel scampering around Jamaica Pond last month - and now the experts are weighing in! Take a look at Steve’s video first.