CITY | Upon leaving office next month, Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt will join a private equity firm run by a son of former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Blunt, whose term ends Jan. 12, will be a senior adviser at Solamere Capital, a Massachusetts-based firm founded this year by Tagg Romney...
...The firm’s partners cited Blunt’s “achievements in managing difficult and complicated budgets” in a statement announcing his hiring.
As a senior adviser, Blunt will help the firm “evaluate opportunities” and “grow its investment and portfolio companies,” according to the release.
Blunt spokesman Rich Chrismer said the position will be one of several the governor will take after leaving office. Chrismer said the governor would work from his hometown of Springfield."Note: Blunt's "achievement in managing difficult and complicated budgets" includes selling the state's assets such as license and tag offices, selling the state's student college loan program which has resulted in a net loss of funds and student ability to attend college, scrapping the state medicaid program in favor of a program that he never quite managed to put together but which did result in state refusal to pay for things like catheters for people who needed catheters and batteries for people dependent on electric wheelchairs. He didn't want to live in the Governor's mansion and ended up driving 133 miles each way between Springfield and Jeff City on a regular basis with, I believe, a Highway Patrol escort. And if I remember correctly, there was a publicized refusal to see a group of disabled students.
Just something to keep in mind when you see his name. I don't think he's giving up politics permanently.