laid off last year, too, and his benefits were extended (I won't even go into how his employer tried to contest him even getting the benefits--turns out they did that to EVERYONE they laid off, and the judge/mediator nipped that in the bud in fairly short order--but what AGITA in the interim). Check and see if that applies to you. IIRC, they pretty much did all the work for him--he didn't have to do much, but it could be that his extension kicked in around the time he was fighting (for the second time) with his ex-employers (real assholes) for the benefits he deserved and had more than earned.
This link may be helpful--the money quote is below: this time, Massachusetts residents may be eligible for up to 33 weeks of federal extended benefits beyond the 26 weeks of state benefits, for a total of 59 weeks of benefits:
Starting July 7, 2008, the federal government approved an extension of 13 weeks for Massachusetts.
On November 23, 2008, the federal government added a second extension, up to 7 additional weeks of benefits.
Starting February 15 and ending December 31, 2009, the federal government extended benefits for an additional 13 weeks as part of the Economic Stimulus Plan.
For more information about how to apply for extended benefits, see Information On Unemployment Insurance Extended Benefits on the Division of Unemployment Assistance web site. You can file an extended benefit claim by calling the special toll-free number: 1-888-998-8418.
There's a rumor out there in "unemployed land" that the feds have an ADDITIONAL thirteen weeks available if states request it--not sure what the details are, but a few states are paying up to seventy two weeks. So that may be in the offing for MA as well.
Of course we can be friends, I wish you only the best. I hope you find work, too. Do know that you can get away with working part time so long as your pay does not exceed a certain threshhold, while you look for full time work (details in the link above). I don't know your living situation, but if you've the room and you're the type who can stand a roomer, perhaps that might be a short term solution as well.