I've been getting calls from Verizon to switch. When I try and tell them I have no money to give them to change and I am already a Verizon phone customers, they do not offer any kind of consideration. You have to buy the whole package.
Both carriers offer Internet, TV and phone. Both do not give us, per specific town, a list of what we would receive if we used the service on any level. I should say Comcast gives us a list of station numbers but nothing else. Last July, I dropped to basic cable. Two reasons why. First, they dropped MSNBC from the extended offering and and the price for Cable and Internet was going over $100.00 a month. Too much for my pocketbook.
Now comes FIOS, No literature has come to me but if I go to their website, it seems that I have to get extended(or their equivalent) to get any decent programming. I understand they come to your house, put in their wires and take out the cable lines. What if you don't like FIOS it? Plus, I really don't want my phone, computer and TV all connected. Call me old fashioned.
I guess my main beef if that we still, even with competition, do not have a choice in programming.
A La Carte is still the only fair way to go. I would bet 100% of the public feels this way. I won't list the channels I get now, suffice it to day, I do not want evangelists, shopping, foreign language or most of the other stuff they feed us in the name of TV. 22 channels, I might check out 4 on a good day.
I watch only NECN,turn it on at 5 and off after Jim Broudy.
The lack of choice hurts the providers more than they know. Look at all the advertising I do not see!
BTW, no senior discount with Verizon FIOS. At least Comcast offers that. If I could get a telescoping antenna(like a car antenna, I think I would drop cable altogether and switch my Internet carrier to something else.