There's nothing wrong with viewing TV on an analog set, (of course it's not as good as a new HD TV, but it works), as long as you have the right box for your set.
The box should provide you with a reasonable picture on the channels you are subscribed to.
If you are not seeing the message board stuff, it's probably just that the message board is set up wrong, and can't be adjusted for an analog screen to see the whole thing...
I would not worry, most of those messages just sell more products, movies for fees, etc.
If you can watch shows and see them reasonably full screen, don't worry about what that message screen is saying to you. Many people just ignore the message screen.
Cable boxes are designed to enable analog TV people to keep their TV's enjoy them for a few more years, until they die, or until you find the $ to buy a better flat screen HD set.
By the way, flat screen monitors for computers are often able to be hooked up to your cable box, and used as a TV, (small TV, but a TV, just the same.) You might borrow some friend's flat screen computer monitor and hook it up to your box, just to see what those messages are... if you are THAT curious. I did this with my neighbor's 20" flat screen monitor one day... it worked, but was quite impractical for TV viewing at that size.