Grace Ross, a human services activist who ran against Patrick as the Green-Rainbow Party's nominee in 2006, will challenge him in the Democratic Primary. I doubt she will get any financial or campaign stars support from the DNC and Obama will probably campaign for Patrick, who was Obama's national campaign co-chair. So, those who want a change in Massachusetts should step up ASAP to help Ross, IMO. Even if she loses to Patrick, a strong showing for her would say something to the nation and to Patrick. Jill E. Stein of Lexington is running as the Green Rainbow candidate.
I guess State Treasurer Cahill still plans to run against Patrick as an independent and Secretary of State Galvin still plans to sit this one out.
Battling so far for the Republican nomination are Christy Mihos, of the Christy convenience stores, and Charles D. Baker, former Secretary to Govs. William Weld and Paul Cellucci and CEO of Harvard Pilgrim.<6>
Some Republican website says Baker is outraising Patrick.
All Democrats, both Massachusetts and national, best be on their toes this time. The Republicans all over the country really, really want to turn Massachusetts red, much like David wanted to fell Goliath. And they will send money, they will send people to their nominee's rallies, and they will send their Party's stars (such as they are), just as everyone all over the nation did for Brown.