From: Environment Massachusetts Advocate Email
The Clean Air Act has a nearly 40-year track record of cost-effectively cutting dangerous pollution, protecting the environment and Americans' health, and spurring technological innovation. Even the Bush White House found that the benefits of Clean Air Act programs outweighed the costs by as much as 22 to 1. According to EPA data, in Massachusetts, we had 1/12th as many unhealthy air days in 2009 than we did in 1983. This means fewer asthma attacks and fewer costly visits to the emergency room.
The Clean Air Act is so effective that it's earned some fierce opposition from major polluters like Big Coal. In fact, Big Coal doesn't just support Sen. Murkowski's resolution -- one of their lobbyists, Jeffrey Holmstead, actually wrote it. If passed, it would strike at the heart of the Clean Air Act, going so far as to overturn EPA's scientific finding that global warming pollutants threaten human health and the environment.
The direct impact would be sweeping, blocking President Obama's landmark clean cars rule and all other actions to enforce the Clean Air Act to fight global warming. It would keep America dependent on oil and other dirty energy sources, costing us new clean energy jobs and improved security.
Please click the link below to tell Sen. Brown that the people of Massachusetts deserve clean air.