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Quincy councilor announces candidacy for State Senate (Democrat John Keenan)

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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-03-10 11:41 AM
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Quincy councilor announces candidacy for State Senate (Democrat John Keenan)

City Councilor John Keenan announced his candidacy for state Senate on Friday. The Democrat published the news on his web site and Facebook page.

“It is time for us to end business as usual on Beacon Hill, and I am greatly looking forward to having honest conversations in every neighborhood in the district about our future and how we can change the direction of our state,” said Keenan in a press release.

During his six-year tenure as Councilor at large, Keenan was involved in shaping a multi-million dollar budget cut and government reforms that helped to balance the city’s budget and lower single-family tax bills.

In addition to his position as city councilor, Keenan has sat on the city’s board of zoning appeals. He is also is a member of the Merrymount Association and the Friends of the Thomas Crane Public Library, and a youth basketball coach.


In addition to spending reform, Keenan will address veterans’ issues, pension reform, protecting state funding for education and public safety, and investing in new energy technologies during his campaign.


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Bombtrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-05-10 08:56 PM
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1. What district is he running for ?
sorry if it says so in the body of the article, I'm being lazy. Also if anyone could tell me the towns said district covers more than the district name/number
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