Using a model effectively deployed by a San Francisco group when combating the hate-filled Westboro Baptist Church (the God Hates Fags people),}
We have decided to employ a simple response to Ms. Palin & her Tea Party minions by creating our own Party - the Nut-Tea Party headed by their spokes critter, Nutty the Squirrel.
The short description of what we intend to do is this:
1) WEAR Something Blue (So People Know Why You're There)
2) MAKE A Sign or Banner (Suggestions Below Or Make Up Your Own FUNNY or SILLY sign - nothing heavy, man! If You Can't Make a Dopey Sign, Wear Blue and Show Up Anyway. Maybe Someone Nice Will Make Extra Signs (Hint, Hint Artsy Craftsy Types!)
3) CALL-EMAIL-TWEET Your Friends/Organizations to Do The Same. Let's Start A Good Virus For Once!
4) SHOW UP! At the Common April 14th at 9:30AM (Car pool, MBTA, Gossamer Wings)
5) HAVE FUN! (And Play Nice, Walk Away Laughing)
A more in-depth description was printed in Blue Mass. Group: or go to Facebook for a detailed description: