BOSTON -- MBTA Red Line trains dealt with delays Friday night as subway car windows were hit with unidentified objects.
The MBTA says two trains were hit shortly before 8:30 p.m. near the JFK UMass stop in Dorchester. The trains were traveling in opposite directions and the windows were cracked or broken.
Passengers say they were told that rocks were thrown at the trains, but police say it is still unclear what the objects were.
Police brought canines to nearby Von Hillern Street, a dead-end street on the other side of the tracks. The trains were hit near the entrance to the subway tunnel between Andrew Station and JFK.
More: was in the car on the inbound train that was hit between Andrew and JFK.
The window spiderwebbed just inches from the head of the woman sitting across the train from me.
It was a very small hole, but the crack propagated across the window as we watched.
The conductor told us it was kids throwing rocks, and it happens about three times a month.