Charlie Baker is No Scott Brown
by Mark Swan
Teaparty take notice: Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker is no Scott Brown. Baker's choice of running mate Richard Tisei tells voters all they really need to know. Tisei is not just another left-wing MA Republican. He's a radical abortionist and a militant gay-agenda advocate. Tisei's voting record on abortion is a disgrace to the GOP and the pro-life community at large. Tisei is a co-sponsor of HB-1728, Transgender Bathroom bill. The far-left NaRal's only Republican endorsement in 2008 was Richard Tisei. NaRal had endorsed William Weld in 1990, who later went on to endorse Barack Obama over John McCain. MA progressives love Baker and Tisei, citing "they act just like Democrats".
Charlie Baker admits he's in favor of tougher gun control, which being interpreted means he is anti 2nd Amendment. Baker and Tisei would not even qualify as fiscal conservatives. Tisei was the only Senate Republican who voted against the tax rollback in May 2000. Tisei reportedly called Mitt Romney "a disaster we're all still trying to recover from". One can only assume Tisei is implying Romney was too far right, while the rest of the country thinks Romney is not right enough.
On abortion issues, Tisei received a 100% rating from NaRal Pro-choice Massachusetts and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, but only 44% rating from MA Citizens For Life. Tisei co-sponsored the "Emergency Contraception Bill" which Mitt Romney vetoed. He also co-sponsored the "Expanded Buffer Zone Bill" which bans constitutionally protected free speech within 35 feet of abortion clinics.
At this point a Lame Duck like Deval Patrick may cause less harm to the state than an activist like Tisei who writes legislation benefitting the Left. At the very least, a Baker/Tisei team would corrupt the GOP even further.
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