Quincy parishioners shocked by decades-old priest sexual abuse allegations
By Dennis Tatz
The Patriot Ledger
Posted Jun 14, 2010 @ 07:41 AM
An elderly priest at St. Mary’s Church in West Quincy has been accused of sexually abusing children 50 years ago.
As a result of the allegations, the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston said Sunday it had placed 82-year-old Rev. F. Dominic Menna on administrative leave.
After learning about the allegations, the Archdiocese said it immediately notified law enforcement authorities and began a preliminary investigation of its own.
Earlier this year, the Archdiocese tapped former Plymouth County prosecutor Mark Dunderdale as director of its new office of Professional Standards and Oversight. Part of his job is to ensure that past problems, such as ignoring allegations of sexual abuse by priests, aren’t repeated.