Don't Let Massachusetts Act Like Arizona
Want to express your opposition to the Massachusetts Senate's budget
amendment -- that ill-advised, unfair "get tough on immigrants" measure that would put costly new burdens on individual citizens and
non-citizens alike, as well as on private businesses and government operations?
Please contact your state Representative and ask that she or he sign on
to the letter to the Speaker of the House opposing the Senate amendment
and asking that the amendment NOT be part of the final budget
A telephone call is most effective. Here's what to do:
1. If you don't know who your representative is, look it up at;
2. Get your Representative's direct contact information;
3. Ask your Representative to sign the letter to the Speaker of the House opposing the harmful, anti-immigrant proposals in Senate Amendment number 172.1. If you'd like, use the outline below;
4. Your representative can sign on to that letter by contacting Mark Kennedy (617-722-2210),, in Rep. Denise Provost’s office.
* Hello, my name is _____. I am calling about immigrant issues in the state budget.
* I am a constituent from ______.
* I am calling to ask Rep. ______ to sign on to a letter to the Speaker of the House opposing the senate budget amendment package that would waste money, unfairly target immigrants, and harm citizens, too.
o The amendment would require that all businesses verify work authorization using a system that has been shown to have a lot mistakes. Businesses in 123 cities and towns that lack high speed internet access wouldn’t be able to use the system and would be subject to penalties and barred from all contracts with the state.
o The amendment would require the attorney general to investigate every report, no matter how unreliable, that a person is working without work authorization—a huge waste of the attorney general's resources.
o The amendment would require citizens to provide paper proof of citizenship for unemployment benefits. This means that the state would no longer be able to process claims on the telephone and state costs would go up.
* Please contact Mark Kennedy (617-722-2210),, in Rep. Denise Provost’s office.
Please call your Representative now! The House and Senate are
negotiating over the next few days about the terms of the budget. Then, email us to let us know that you took action.
The House should stand up for fairness and reject the Senate provisions.