Anti-Choice Forced-birth group Mass Citizens for "Life" endorses Jeff Perry for Congress
Massachusetts Citizens for Life Federal PAC Endorses Jeff Perry for 10th Congressional District Seat
Boston The Massachusetts Citizens for Life Federal PAC, the political arm of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, has endorsed Jeff Perry for Congress in the Tenth Congressional District.
According to Jack Rowe, Chairman of the Fed PAC, "As a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Jeff Perry has been a strong advocate for life. He even voted against state funding of embryonic stem cell research."
Rowe further stated, "Perry opposes tax funding of abortion and takes a pro-life position on all important issues. He also will work to replace Obamacare with ethical, affordable health care for all. Jeff Perry has proven his commitment to protect our most vulnerable citizens our unborn children. Jeff Perrys record should earn him the support of all voters who are concerned with the right to life and the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family."
(Not linking to right-wing website)
See also:
Scott Brown: "Jeff Perry has integrity, a good ally"
Scott Brown goes out on a limb for Jeff Perry, keeps out reporters
Submitted by Walter Brooks on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 10:48am
Saturday afternoon at the Cape Codder Resort in Hyannis, newly minted US Senator Scott Brown gave State Rep Jeff Brown a baseball bat to beat off his opponents. David Curran photo.Brown tied his name, reputation, reelection to Perry Saturday in Hyannis
$1,200 a head fundraiser bars press, 75 attend, few notable Republicans