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Have any of you heard of Bob Shapiro, running against Tsongas?

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activa8tr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-30-10 02:07 PM
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Have any of you heard of Bob Shapiro, running against Tsongas?
He's a right wing distant cousin of all the Tea baggers in the world, I'm sure.

I am getting Robo calls from him on my home phone. So I sent him a very clear email demanding he remove me.

Long story short, he agreed to take me off, but NOW, I'm getting his Robo emails!! Is he THAT stupid? Of course!

Now, I'd like to share his crap with you all. Read and laugh...this FORMER math teacher now thinks he's a Constitutional scholar!

"My wife, Maria, and I have lived at 221 Haggetts Pond Rd, Andover, since I was transferred to MA in 1993. My two kids, are long out of college. Rob Jr went to UMass Amherst and just earned his PhD from Simmons last year. Maria T. owns Papermoon Dance Center in Merrimack, NH. My last jobs was for the Tewksbury Public Schools, where I taught High School Math.

It turns out that my name is not as rare as you might think. There is a Robert Shapiro who was the president of Celanese Corp, one who helped defend O.J.Simpson, one who's a movie producer, one who was on Bill Clinton's economic team, and several others. I'm only one guy, and while I get around, none of these other Robert Shapiros are me.

In a 4-way Republican race for this seat in Congress, I expected contributions to be difficult until the primary was over. While I've saved some money for retirement, I don't consider myself rich. Even so, I feel strongly about trying to fix the mess the current (and previous) administration is making, and I've used a bunch of my own money.

I'm trying to do the right thing, and I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I realize that as a candidate for public office, I need to expect that not everybody will agree with me on every issue."

So today, I get a long email telling his "supporters" why Obama is wrong on the immigration decision.... (immigration is such a big issue in Mass, but only for Tea baggers, I guess!)

"Bob Shapiro - On the Illegal Immigration Court Ruling

US District Court Judge Susan Bolton has ruled against the new Arizona Law on Illegal Immigration. The State Laws, which would have authorized police to ask for proof of citizenship from anyone they stopped for some other reason, was passed for several reasons. Chief among those reasons are that
1. President Obama has refused to enforce federal laws, and
2. A flood of Illegal Aliens, estimated at as high as 2000 per day into the US, has caused a financial strain and an increase in various crime rates in Arizona.

The argument that the Justice Department used was that Federal Law preempted the issue. But a quick investigation shows that this line of reasoning is bogus. The accepted doctrine is that State Law can augment Federal Law, but it can’t diminish it.

Here’s an example. Federal prescription drug laws have created 5 schedules of controlled substances. Marijuana is in Schedule I, and it cannot be sold legally in the US. Some states have legalized marijuana for medical use for terminal patients, but it still is illegal since the federal law is more stringent. However, several states have created a 6th Schedule of controlled substances, and this is valid since it is more strict than the federal law.

So how does this apply to Illegal Immigration? If a State passes a law legalizing crossing over into the US against federal law, that law, being less strict than federal law would not be enforceable. But Arizona’s proposed law is more strict than federal law, so by past precedent in other fields, it should be acceptable.

What Does the US Constitution Say?
But, let’s take a look at the issue through the lens of the Highest Law of the Land – the US Constitution. First, every federal official in any of the three brances, executive, legislative, or judicial, must take an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution. It says so in Article 6, Section 3.

Article 9, Section 4 says that it is the duty of the Executive (that would be President Obama) to guarantee protection for every State against invasion. 2000 a day cross our borders illegally, or roughly 60,000 a month. If 60,000 foreigners massed at our border and crossed over all at the same time, no reasonable person would call it anything but an invasion. Even though those 60,000 foreigners spread out their illegal border crossings over a month's time, it still constitutes an invasion, the ill effects of which are clear to see in Arizona.

So, in this respect, President Obama is violating his oath of office. He has chosen, knowingly, to allow an invasion with no federal response. There is a movement afoot to impeach Mr. Obama, and I suspect that this will be added to the list of his High Crimes and Misdemeanors when presented.

Arizona is right - Bolton & Obama are Wrong
It also is important to remember that the People and the States created the Federal Government, and not the other way around. The US Constitution specifically set up a limited government with enumerated powers.

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution, part of our Bill of Rights, makes this very clear. It says that any powers not specifically delegated to the Federal Government, and also not prohibited by the Constitution to the States, remain with the States and with the People.

I have looked in the US COnstitution, and I find no place where the rights of self-defense, of enforcement of State and Federal Laws, and of protection against Illegal Immigration, are prohibited to the States. Article 1, Section 10, is the only place where States are prohinited from any actions, and those deal with treaties, import duties, and war powers.

This issue is so clear, on my rereading of the US Constitution, that I suggest that Judge Bolton be required to go back and read the Highest Law of the Land, the Law that she took an oath to uphold. It is Not OK for Judge Bolton, or for President Obama, to ignore the US Constituion. I think that an apology to those Americans living in Arizona is in order.

Yard Signs & Bumper Stickers
Every campaign depends on visibility, which is why candidates speak in public, advertise, and use direct mail, telephone, and email contacts.

Another tried and true, cost-effective means of increasing voters' awareness is the combination of Yard Signs and Bumper Stickers. Our campaign has the Yard Signs and Bumper sticks, and now we're looking for people who will display them, on their property and on their cars.

Please go to our web site and Volunteer to help us gain the visibility which will help us win.

Also, each town has its own rules on when the Yard Signs may go up. When the time comes, for your town, we could use your help in setting them up on your neighbors' property. It's very easy to do, but with 29 towns in the District, and a couple thousand signs, your help locally would make a huge difference for the campaign.

Help Me to Replace Niki Tsongas in Congress "

"About Bob

Bob earned his degree in Pharmacy from Fordham University, with graduate level courses in Business Administration, Software Engineering, and Education. He is self-taught in Austrian School Economics.

Bob's career background is quite varied, including:

Pharmacist, in hospital, retail, mail-service, and business owner.
Front-Line Corporate Manager for Merck, helping to run a pair of 300+ person facilities.
Software Engineer for both a company and a military contractor, where he had a security clearance.
Math Teacher at Middle and High Schools in Methuen, Tewksbury, and Lexington.
Small Business Owner of a retail store.
He Directs a men's Chorus in Haverhill, has won several awards singing in Barbershop Quartets, and has composed many songs.

Bob and his wife, Maria, have 2 children and 5 grandchildren, and they have lived in Andover since 1993"

Just the kind of kook we want representing us... a former manager for a pharma turned math teacher !!!!!!!!!!

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activa8tr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-30-10 02:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. From his web page: "He is self-taught in Austrian School Economics."

The Austrian School of Economics is a tiny group of libertarians at war with mainstream economics. They reject even the scientific method that mainstream economists use, preferring to use instead a pre-scientific approach that shuns real-world data and is based purely on logical assumptions. But this is the very method that thousands of religions use when they argue their opposing beliefs, and the fact that the world has thousands of religions proves the fallibility of this approach. Academia has generally ignored the Austrian School, and the only reason it continues to exist is because it is financed by wealthy business donors on the far right. The movement does not exist on its own scholarly merits. "

"Austrian School of Economics
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Forerunner of unrestrained free market (libertarian) economics, its central concept is that the coordination of human effort can be achieved only through the combined decisions and judgments of individuals and cannot be forced by an external agency such as a government. It emphasizes complete freedom of association and sovereignty of individual property rights. Its other main tenets include (1) abolishment of central banks and return to the gold standard, (2) elimination of bank deposit insurance schemes so that bank failures punish bad investments, (3) institution of an information system that make real-time prices data available to everyone, (4) abandonment of mathematical models as too rigid and limited to be of any use"
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