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Sinkholes on I-93 highlight dangers of delaying repairs

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 04:27 AM
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Sinkholes on I-93 highlight dangers of delaying repairs
Sinkholes on I-93 highlight dangers of delaying repairs
Globe Editorial
August 6, 2010

THOSE GAPING holes that opened on bridge decks on Interstate 93 in Medford this week put a picture on the thousands of words that have been written — and written — about the dangers of Massachusetts’ disastrous series of decisions to put off maintenance of roads and bridges. Many of those decisions were made in the Big Dig era, when transportation funds were eaten up elsewhere. Now, the state is catching up on repair of much of its traffic infrastructure, at the risk of creating more problems like this week’s sinkholes.

The holes likely were caused by excessive jack-hammering in the course of resurfacing, but that isn’t the underlying problem. The state has not repaired the steel beams and steel-reinforced concrete of the bridge decks since their construction 50 years ago. Repaving is supposed to occur every 10 years; this year’s comes after 15 years. Bearing loads of 200,000 vehicles a day, twice the amount the road was designed for, the interstate is showing predictable wear and tear. And, while overuse of I-93 has been especially high, the state has to be concerned about the many other highways of its vintage.

Secretary of Transportation Jeff Mullan said the state will begin rebuilding the I-93 bridge decks next year and have them finished in two years. In the meantime, he said, officials have inspected them for any dangers to motorists. “We will monitor this closely,’’ he said.

Drivers at least can take heart from the fact that road and bridge work is finally getting the funding it needs. With the help of some federal money, the governor and Legislature have more than doubled road and bridge spending in three years, from $515 million in 2007 to $1.1 billion this year.

The lane closures that repair work causes are a major nuisance that should also be monitored to minimize unnecessary delays, but they are still an acceptable price to pay to keep the roads safe and usable. It is the unexpected shutdowns that are less pardonable, especially when the state has waited so long to repair a bridge that its concrete deck is ready to give way. Mullan and his engineers should monitor the bridge decks very closely — and the state should take pains to make sure that, in the future, all roads and bridges are properly maintained.
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Kat45 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 10:10 PM
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1. Where's the WPA to employ people and repair the infrastructure?
This situation gives another reason as to why we need one.
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activa8tr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-10-10 12:38 PM
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2. An aggressive WPA would be great... that bridge just shows us how bad
electing so many do-nothing Republican governors were. Not to mention state Senators and Reps who do nothing for 5 months a year for salaries larger than teachers.
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