NECN on Baker-Perry Rally: "Protesters were almost as loud as the crowd"
by: Bob Neer
Sat Oct 23, 2010 at 22:10:12 PM EDT
That's because there is a broad swathe of public opinion in Massachusetts that does not support child molesters, or the people who enable them. "Hide Your Daughters!" (see clip) is exactly the kind of sign Charlie Baker must have expected he would have to run against for the rest of this campaign when he decided to put Perry, or Party, ahead of principle. His unexpected belly flop, however, was his inability, almost exactly as in Wednesday's Howie Carr interview, to explain his high profile support for "embattled Jeff Perry" (NECN's term). Reporter: "Has Jeff Perry answered the questions?" Baker: "I'm here to support the slate." Well, now there is a powerful answer: passionate, emphatic, and shot through with reason, principle and leadership < / utter sarcasm >. Who on earth is advising this man. Oh yes, the same team that steered Kerry Healey into the cement wall of a darkened parking lot. Now I know where I have seen that kind of nonresponsive answer and wooden reliance on talking points before.
Take a look and judge for yourself. Hat tip to the ever-alert johnk for the link:
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