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Baker publishes an internal poll showing him tied with Patrick

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Mass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-28-10 11:55 AM
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Baker publishes an internal poll showing him tied with Patrick
Edited on Thu Oct-28-10 12:32 PM by Mass
Previous one was showing him 7 points ahead.

I imagine they expect the suffolk Poll to be published tonight to be bad.

This said, the election will be tight. Go and vote.

Added: seems that Boston Phoenix agrees with the meaning of the poll:

Patrick Surging -- According To Baker

With rumors of a Suffolk University poll on the way, the Charlie Baker campaign has released another memo on its own magical, unseen internal polling. Now, I don't know where this race really stands, but this memo reeks of a campaign in its death throes.

The 'topline' numbers, for the record, are a 40%-40% tie, with Cahill at 10%, Stein 3%, and 6% undecided.

Two weeks ago -- after Suffolk's last poll put Baker 7 points behind -- Baker claimed to have a 7-point lead: 42%-35%-10%-2%. That means, by Baker's own tracking poll, the race is breaking sharply in Patrick's direction as we near the finish line.

The memo also boasts that Baker enjoys a 48%/37% (+11) favorable/unfavorable rating, while Patrick is underwater at 48/50 (-2). But two weeks ago, they said Baker was 45/30 (+15) and Patrick 45/51 (-6).

Remember, these are the pieces of data they are cherry-picking for release -- so how much worse do you suppose the rest is? For example, two weeks ago they touted that Baker was beating Patrick 52%-23% among independents (most analysts think he needs to win that group by a 2-to-1 ratio). That figure is not included in today's release.

Like I said, I have no idea where the race stands, or who will win. But this latest from the Baker camp makes me think that they think they're losing.

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activa8tr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-01-10 02:34 PM
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1. I would not trust a word or a single paragraph out of the Baker campaign! nt
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MBS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-02-10 02:23 PM
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2. please may Patrick win. .
I had the misfortune of seeing Baker AT MY POLLING PLACE this morning, preening for TV and reporters.. .and this in a D precinct, of all things. . .with extra Baker signs imported for the PR occasion. Nauseating way to start the day. Bleagh.

I have high hopes that my fellow D voters just ignored the spectacle and did their job, that is,
voted for Patrick and a straight Dem ballot.
Voting looked like healthy turnout. Steady stream of people, lots of cars. .
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Mass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-02-10 02:33 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Galvin says that subs with contested races have the highest turnout.
I cant decide if it is good (dems voting to save their reps), or bad (GOPers coming in mass).

I have been confident until today, but right now I am just anxious.
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pipi_k Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-03-10 09:50 PM
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4. Well, so much for that....

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nofurylike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-04-10 12:02 AM
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5. indeed!! thanks for the grin, pipi_k!!! nt
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