Hat-tip to:
http://twitter.com/universalhub/status/27351474098933760Posted on RedMassGroup, a site for the anti-American Party in Massachusetts:
To ensure electoral integrity, a video record should be created and preserved
by: mckenna1961
Tue Jan 18, 2011 at 05:31:51 AM EST
( - promoted by Rob "EaBo Clipper" Eno)
We must do all we can to insure that our political system merits trust. There is no more essential part of our system than the electoral process, the means by which our will as a free people is determined.
As demonstrated - again - during the recent recount in the Sixth Worcester District, there are many public servants who merit that trust. The level of professionalism evidenced by many throughout that process is a credit to the individual integrity of those involved; the citizens in the communities they serve should be proud of the work done on their behalf.
There is also room for improvement. The ongoing litigation concerning that recount addresses two aspects of the process that require correction. The first concerns the integrity of the ballots cast. After being counted on the night of the election, those ballots were kept in sealed ballot boxes, with each box being secured that night with two numbered seals. At the time of the recount, both seals on one such box were found to be compromised - one was opened, the other was missing.
Similarly, should, in future, a candidate produce an individual who presents a dubious claim that he was turned away from voting - with, for some unidentified reason, no provisional ballot being cast, such a claim could be effectively refuted (or, theoretically, substantiated) by a video record. Given the increased strength of the evidentiary record, politicians in future would be less likely to bring unfounded claims in such regard.
Jim McKenna