Jeff Perry Costing Us $215,000 So Far
Barnstable County's Sheriff's Office Denied Funding
How's that bring-in-Jeff-Perry-to-help-secure-funding strategy working for ya?
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick spoke volumes without saying a word as he distributed funding to local Sheriffs yesterday. 13 of the 14 departments took in $104,000, with the sole exception being Barnstable County.
The Barnstable County Sheriff's Office caused howls of indignation across the Commonwealth- and especially on Cape Cod- when Jeff Perry was hired as a $110,000/year Special Sheriff. Perry, a failed Congressional candidate, is best known for his role in a Wareham Police Department scandal involving a subordinate officer to Perry who committed several attacks on area children.
More: to: prior thread:
Ex- Rep. Perry gets $110k Barnstable County special sheriff job