too wishy washy- Why can't politicians give a straight answer-
Dear Debra, Thank you for contacting me about organic and genetically engineered crops. I appreciate hearing from you, and I welcome this opportunity to respond to your concerns. As you know, genetic engineering (GE) of food crops has seen increasing popularity with large farms and private corporations that modify the seeds in order to resist commercial herbicides, better withstand frosts or temperature variants, and grow larger or more flavorful. This procedure remains controversial as the medical ramifications of consuming GE foods have not yet been determined. Furthermore, consumers deserve the right to know exactly what – natural or unnatural – they are eating. Without a transparent and honest labeling system, consumers who intend to choose organic foods may instead find themselves eating genetically modified substitute. I believe that food safety goes to the very heart of our nation's health and that consumers should not be fearful that the food they are eating is unsafe. As you know, recent decisions by the US Department of Agriculture have favored the deregulation of certain GE alfalfa crops. However, you may be interested to learn that USDA Secretary Vilsack has collaborated with a number of diverse stakeholders and determined several cooperative efforts to ensure the coexistence of GE and organic crops, including: -The re-establishment of two USDA advisory committees - the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture and the National Genetic Resources Advisory Committee – to ensure the availability of high-quality seeds and provide growers with access to the best tools to support their production choices. -Research on genetic integrity, production, and preservation -Proposal requests through the Small Business Innovation Research program to improve handling of forage seeds and detection of transgenes. Please know that I will work to support sensible legislation that will keep consumers safe and provide them with the right to choose what they are putting in their bodies. Thank you again for contacting me, and please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern.
Bill Keating Member of Congress