From Blue Mass Group DailyKos picks up David's call to draft Warren to defeat Brown.
Here's an excerpt from Chris Bowers e-mail petition:
If Democrats are going to win in 2012, we need to do a better job connecting with the millions of Americans who are suffering real economic hardship. This requires a populist economic message that separates us from both Republicans and Wall Street, and also a record that backs up that message with results.
That’s why at Daily Kos we think Elizabeth Warren would be an excellent Democratic nominee to challenge Republican Scott Brown in the 2012 Massachusetts Senate election.
We’re starting a campaign to draft her into the race. Join that campaign by signing our petition in support of Warren now. We’ll deliver the petition to Warren in person, along with your supportive comments.
Virtually no one has done more than Professor Warren to fight against the bloodthirsty excesses of today’s financial sector. She exposed corruption in the Wall Street bailout, and basically created the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on her own. She picks fights, wins them, and packs a populist punch in the process. Click here to read her bio on Wikipedia.
Right now, Warren is working to set up the CFPB as a special Assistant to the President. However, it’s extremely unlikely she’ll ever be confirmed to formally lead the new CFPB. That means she’ll need a new fight in a few months, and this one just seems perfect:
Sign the petition now--Draft Elizabeth Warren for Massachusetts Senate.
Last week, we polled our Massachusetts members to see what they thought about the idea of drafting Elizabeth Warren. The response was overwhelming: 89% supported a campaign to draft her into the race.
With Massachusetts as one of the few good Senate pickup chances for Democrats in 2012, we can’t squander the opportunity by nominating an unenergetic, milquetoast candidate. We need a standard bearer who will deliver the populist economic message and grassroots excitement that will make Ted Kennedy’s seat blue again. Elizabeth Warren, who was 2009 Bostonian of the Year, is that candidate.
Please, take 30 seconds of your time, and sign the petition to draft Elizabeth Warren for Senate.
Keep fighting,
Chris Bowers
Campaign Director, Daily Kos
my recent post citing 5 reasons Warren would make a good replacement for Scott Brown from Boston Globe Blog.
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