Jonathan Ring, Head of the Coalition for Marriage's, Cape Ann Marriage and Family, the anti-gay and anti-trans organization, the man that promotes David Parker and links to MassResistance is running for School Committe in Rockport, MA. And he says his beliefs will not influence his voting or policies if elected... 13, 2011
Letter: Candidate owes voters answers on school issues
To the editor:
I "Googled" the name of Jonathan Ring, the candidate for Rockport School Committee in the town election on May 3. What came up was a notice posted by an organization called
Dated May 6, 2010, the headline was "Anti-gay running for School Committee in Rockport."
If Mr. Ring wins, he will sit on the committee that sets school policies on such matters as sex education, guidance, personnel, and the like.
Now, I don't know Jonathan Ring, but because this accusation is out there, it would seem only fair to Mr. Ring and the voters of Rockport to give Mr. Ring a chance to explain his views and tell us what policies he would advocate for in our schools.