Let's try to make statements/posts that are within the law instead of assuming stuff in DU postings that are
not within the law. . .
1.) the Massachusetts constitution grants authority to the governor to nominate and appoint with the advice and consent of the governor's council . . . all notaries public;
2.) the governor signed an executive order under the authority granted to him in the MA constitution outlining certain policies and conduct for said notaries public;
3.) the MA constitution grants authority to the governor to remove notaries public with the consent of the governor's council; and
4.) despite what you and others in this DU thread have stated, the legislative branch is
not involved in notaries public nominations, appointments or means of removal. The legislature lacks constitutional authority in this regard.
First, I've added (below) excerpts of Romney's EO #455, and then I've included the MA constitution, in pertinent part, which grants Romney authority on all of this (some Articles are amended where noted, so please add in the Amendment where indicated):
Governor Mitt Romney's Executive Order,
"Section 15: Revocation of Commission
"A notary public's commission may be revoked for official misconduct as defined by this Executive Order, or for other good cause, as determined by the Governor with the consent of the Governor's Council
as set forth in Article XXXVII of the Articles of Amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution."
"comply with this Executive Order by May 15, 2004"
(italicized emphasis added by TaleWgnDg)
http://www.mass.gov/legal/docs/EO455finalrevised.docMassachusetts constitution, "Article IV. Notaries public shall be appointed by the governor in the same manner as judicial officers are appointed, and shall hold their offices during seven years, unless sooner removed by the governor with the consent of the council, upon the address of both houses of the legislature. (See Amendments, Articles XXXVII, LXII, and LXIX, section 2)."
http://www.mass.gov/legis/const.htm#cart004.htmMassachusetts constitution, "Article IX. All judicial officers . . . shall be nominated and appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the council; and every such nomination shall be made by the governor, and made at least seven days prior to such appointment. . . . (For provision as to the appointment of notaries public, see Amendments, Arts. IV, LVII and LXIX, sec. 2.)"
Massachusetts constitution, "Article XXXVII. The governor, with the consent of the council, may remove justices of the peace and notaries public."
http://www.mass.gov/legis/const.htm#cart037.htmMassachusetts constitution, "Article LXIX.
"Section 1. No person shall be deemed to be ineligible to hold state, county or municipal office by reason of sex.
Section 2. Article IV of the articles of amendment of the constitution of the commonwealth, as amended by Article LVII of said amendments, is hereby further amended by striking out the words "Change of name shall render the commission void, but shall not prevent reappointment under the new name", and inserting in place thereof the following words: -- Upon the change of name of any woman, she shall re-register under her new name and shall pay such fee therefor as shall be established by the general court."
http://www.mass.gov/legis/const.htm#cart069.htmedited to add: the legislature was cut out of the process by Amendment Article XXXVII. .