JFK was special. Whenever there's a "most favorite president" poll across the country, John Fitzgerald Kennedy's name still comes out somewhere on the top of the list. He remains poignant in the hearts and minds of America, both he and his wife, Jackie. They were the "new generation" in Washington D.C. in 1960, not old curmudgeons from WW2. Just young, fresh and handsome faces, he, his wife, and his two young mischievous kids, John-John and Caroline, in D.C. His name and his personification is frozen in time . . . that's what his death did in 1963.
As for Massachusetts and the Kennedys, we love them. Edward Moore ("Ted") Kennedy is our "favorite son" and the most Democrat of Democrats in D.C., overall. We, here, in Massachusetts are proud of him and for all the public service dedication over a lifetime he has given to us. I don't believe Ted will step down from his Senate seat. Instead, I believe he will die in office, he loves it so. Another Kennedy will replace him, I am sure of it. Joe Kennedy (Joseph P. Kennedy II, son of Bobby Kennedy and wife Ethel) says he doesn't want to go back into politics. He's running a Massachusetts non-profit foundation re (1/2 price) heating-oil-for-the-poor and other charitable stuff (Citizens Energy Corporation). Joe is appreciated and admired for this work.

Joe Kennedy w/ Citizens Energy Corporation
Yes, the Kennedy name remains powerful in Massachusetts. However, the Kennedys have been in D.C. politics, not state politics since the matriarch of the clan Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy's father "Honey Fitz" was mayor of Boston back in the early 1900s. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy's name was recently honored by naming the "Big Dig's" (www.bigdig.com) new surface roadway "The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway."
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/kennedys/peopleevents/p_fitz.htmlhttp://genealogy.about.com/library/family_trees/bl_kennedy.htmhttp://www.citizensenergy.com/Company_History.htm .