I went to the open town meeting at the Brockton Public Library on the 25th. Even though it was very cold and there was snow everywhere, about 60 people showed up. Jass was incredibly composed and clear for a first time candidate, or an experienced candidate for that matter. I didn't realize that his company had a hand in producing "Eyes on the Prize." His vision for Brockton, which has been neglected and disrespected for decades, was inspiring in its scope. But where Jass really shines is in his analysis of how to get to there. He wants to focus on accountability, education, jobs, crime and home ownership and has specific ideas about how to improve each. He has obviously thought long and hard about this city. It's about time someone did.
I also garnered from that meeting that the "old boys" have come up with their candidate to run against Jass. It's going to be a tough race. Try to volunteer if you live in the city or nearby, or send $$$$ if you don't.
Jass Stewart for Mayor