Indeed. Mittens has been trying to pass himself off as everything . . . to everybody. Mittens has been doing this since he sent out a *trial balloon* running as Governor of Utah or of Massachusetts. Impossible. Utah is a Mormon state where co-mingling of religion and state is accepted; however, Massachusetts
respects the Separation of Church and State.
Romney cannot separate his religious beliefs from stem cell research.
Romney cannot separate his religious beliefs from a woman's constitutional right to autonomy/abortion/privacy issues.
Romney cannot separate his religious beliefs from Right to Die with Dignity (Terri Schiavo issues).
Romney cannot separate his religious beliefs from equal rights of homosexuals as to civil marriage.
None of this is new. None of it. All that, plus not knowing where the hell Mittens lives, officially! Does Romney "reside" in Utah? or Massachusetts? What an *ss. Totally.
