By email.
Details at web: Dear All,
Perhaps with Cindy Sheehan's stand we can finally begin to turn the tide. But we must all act and not let this moment slip away! The weather's gorgeous! Spend a few hours with fellow activists and stop this internal invasion!
BeNow -- the database company in Wakefield MA is processing 10 million students' names for the Pentagon, buying personal information from commercial data brokers, adding records from state motor vehicle agencies and Social Security, and probing students' academic records. BeNow is assembling those records into precisely targeted profiles so lying recruiters can sell them the worst of products: a dirty war.
This is happening right here in Massachusetts, right in our own backyard. We can't let them get away with it!
WHY? Because BeNOW is processing 30 million young people's names in order to recruit them for a war based on lies. Because BeNOW is another corporation supporting the war in Iraq and we won't stand for it. Because we want people in Wakefield to know about this company, stationed in their own town.
What is the purpose of the database? From the DOD itself: "to provide a single central facility within the Department of Defense to compile, process and distribute files of individuals who meet age and minimum school requirements for military service. The information will be provided to the Services to assist them in their direct marketing recruiting efforts." We will be providing the flyers,petitions, and posters. All you need to do is show up on the 19th or the 20th!
See you all soon,
Annie McShiras, Boston Mobilization
WHEN and WHERE: Wakefield, MA. Friday August 19th & Saturday August 20th.
**We'd like people to commit to 2-hour shifts.(longer if you feel so inclined!) Please e-mail the coordinator which hours you can commit on the designated day. Thank you!**
We will be providing the flyers,petitions, and posters. All you need to do is show up on the 19th or the 20th!
Friday, August 19, 7am-9am
Friday, August 19, 7am-9am Where: Wakefield commuter rail train station platform Coordinator: Linda Schiffman, (781) 863-8672, *take the North Station commuter rail train outbound from Boston. Go to for train schedules. Meet Linda at 7 am. Questions, contact Linda.
Friday, August 19, 4 pm-7pm
Friday, August 19, 4 pm-7pm Where: Wakefield commuter rail train station platform Coordinator: Annie McShiras, (413) 329-7697, *take the North Station commuter rail train outbound from Boston. Go to for train schedules. Meet Annie at 4 pm. Questions, contact Annie.
Saturday, August 20, 10 am-4 pm
Saturday, August 20, 10 am-4 pm Where: the intersection of Route 129 and Church Street, on the lake in Wakefield center Coordinator: Janet Mullen, Northshore Coalition for Peace and Justice, *Parking: North Ave. where it hits Lakeside Ave. e-mail Janet for more detailed directions. Meet Janet at 10 am. Questions, contact Janet.
What else you can do!
* Call BeNow's CEO, Brad Neuenhaus, 781-246-0400, and tell him to cancel the Pentagon contract. Tell him you know it's hard for any company to let a big contract go (and contracts in this war are very lucrative). But it's not okay to sell our sons and daughters to the military for a war based on lies.