Life is to laugh. Here's more from Romney this time boxing with Tweety Bird! Is Romney auditioning for a stand-up comedy routine? LMAO !!
Boston Globe, headlines, front page of today's, Saturday, August 27, 2005, newspaper:
http://www.boston.com/globe/acrobat/today.pdf (.pdf format, Adobe Reader required)
Romney predicts 'landslide' reelection
Forecast with a catch: That's if he runs again
By Michael Levenson, Globe Correspondent | August 27, 2005
Despite polls showing him trailing potential Democratic rivals, Governor Mitt Romney is confidently predicting that he would trounce the competition if he decides to run for reelection next year.
"Well, I win by a landslide in Massachusetts if I run for reelection. And that's very possibly what I'm going to do," Romney said in an interview with Chris Matthews that was televised nationally yesterday on the MSNBC political talk show "Hardball."
Romney's remarks were the latest in a string of mixed signals in recent months. He traveled the country elevating his national profile and raising cash for Republicans earlier this year and explicitly acknowledged in June that he was testing the waters for a 2008 presidential campaign. But this month, he has emphasized to several reporters that he is focused on his job and that he has not made a decision whether to run for reelection.
Yesterday, his main Democratic rival, Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly, issued a one-sentence response: ''Whenever the governor makes up his mind, I'm ready."
During a bantering, back-and-forth interview, Matthews was clearly skeptical about Romney's insistence that he had not decided to seek the White House in 2008.
"I love being governor, love what I'm doing here," Romney told Matthews.
Matthews pushed back.
"Why do I get the impression you're running for governor, I mean, running for president?" he asked.
Said Romney: "I don't know."
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