Letter from Ted Kennedy's web site:
Dear TayTay,
The people of the Gulf Coast are suffering horrible devastation in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Some have said that this is the worst natural disaster in our nation's history, and officials fear that thousands of lives will be lost. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes. They need food, water, clothing and a roof over their heads. From Louisiana to Mississippi to Alabama and even to Florida where Katrina first landed before barreling on towards New Orleans, our fellow human beings are in dire need of our help.
I grew up in Louisiana and have a large family and many friends who are still there. I spent my college and law school years in New Orleans, and I have a special love of that city and her people. So I am feeling this pain in a very personal way. But you don't have to be from the Gulf Coast to understand the magnitude of the human tragedy that we are witnessing on our television sets every day. In that special, American way, people across our great country are asking what they can do, and how they can help. That's why I'm writing you.
I hope that you can join Ted and me in making a contribution to the Red Cross or the Catholic Charities:
http://www.redcross.orghttp://www.catholiccharitiesusa.orgThese are two of the outstanding organizations that are involved in the relief efforts. If you have already made a contribution to a relief organization, Ted and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The people of the Gulf Coast are strong and resilient, and they have the character and determination to get through these terrible days. But for many, those days will turn into months and weeks and even years of hardship and heartbreak. Your help and support will make all the difference in the world to so many families. In some cases it will make the difference between life and death.
http://www.tedkennedy.com/katrinaWe are all proud to be Americans - and we know what we can accomplish when we come together to help our neighbors in their time of greatest need.
Thank you and God bless you.
Vicki Kennedy