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Rally for Parental Rights Sept. 6th!

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sniffa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 09:48 PM
Original message
Rally for Parental Rights Sept. 6th!
this is from the LocaL 'townhaLL organizer' Lorene - some carpet bagging maggot.
if you have contact with a recentLy banned member, she has 10' piLe of dirt on Lorene.
this is in reference to that Looney parent who didn't want his chiLd to find out that there are famiLies with 2 same-sex parents, and then broke the Law. fuck that, fuck him, and fuck these peopLe. counter protest?

Your Organizer, Lorene, sent the following message to the
members of The Boston Townhall Meetup Group:

Thank you to one of our members for letting me know about this
terrible injustice. You can help by attending the rally. Here
are the details:

*** Rally for Parental Rights on the Lexington Green ***
Tuesday, September 6th 2005, 5:00 - 7:00 PM

Please come to the historic Lexington Green on Tuesday,
September 6th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM and help support David &
Tonia Parker, and their fight for parental rights in the
Lexington Public Schools.

David Parker was arrested on April 27th, 2005, at Joseph
Estabrook Elementary School, for asking school administrators
to adhere to Massachusetts state law, which MANDATES notifying
parents before discussing issues of human sexuality in the

Rather than allow school administrators free reign to teach his
child anything they like, regardless of age appropriateness or
his wishes, David chose to stand up for his rights and for the
rights of all parents to be involved in the decision of what is
taught to their children in the Lexington Public Schools.

The Lexington Public Schools Superintendent has also taken out
a restraining order against David, no doubt in an effort to
intimidate and bully David into giving up his fight for
parental rights.

Because of this restraining order, David:

- cannot drop off or pick up his children from school
- cannot attend his children's sports events or other school
activities - cannot meet with his children's teachers at parent-
teacher conferences - and cannot vote, since here in Lexington
we vote at the public schools.

Please come to the historic Lexington Green on September 6th at
5:00 PM and support our fight for parental rights, because
ultimately parents are responsible for the quality and content
of their children's education.


To visit The Boston Townhall Meetup Group, go here:
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TaleWgnDg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 01:35 AM
Response to Original message
1. Aaarrrrrggggg! This is that *sshole Brian Camenker
Edited on Mon Sep-05-05 01:58 AM by TaleWgnDg
Aaarrrrrggggg! This is that *sshole Brian Camenker -- that vitriolic homophobic hate-monger who is running this poisonous Parents Rights Coalition, Inc.!! Even the name of the organization is twisted since it camouflages its despise for gay parents and their children. Camenker runs other "non-profits" about so-called "parents rights" in his sick attempts to gay-bash.

Camenker has been shooting-off at the mouth and has been back-door politicking with rightwingers for years in the Massachusetts state house in any way possible against gay civil rights particularly against gay marriage! He makes a living off of this hateful crap.

He also runs a "non-profit" organization that is trying to unseat the 4 Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court justices who were in the majority decision allowing gay marriage in Massachusetts. (Goodridge v. MA Dept of Public Health, 440 Mass. 309 (2003).)

This is just another way Camenker and his lackeys are attempting to fill his "non-profit" organizations with monies from suckers who hate gays. Camenker is the Massachusetts equivalent to Kansas' Fred Phelps and his adult children with their hate-spewing vitriolic gay-bashing non-Christian "Westboro Baptist Church."

This Parker guy and his kid sound more and more like a plant in Lexington! And if Parker and his attorney have a beef with the court-ordered restraining order then Parker and his attorney should ask the local judge at the Concord District Court for a hearing to reduce or revoke the restraining order! Oh, they already did and the Concord District Court judge denied their request? Or they truly don't want to revoke the restraining order, correct? After all, if there were no restraining order then who and what could Parker and Camenker complain to and about?

What a complete ass trying to hype his hate-filled corruption by meeting on the Lexington Green in order to get news media coverage! Do these idiots think Massachusetts is a hayseed community? LMAO . . .


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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 08:24 PM
Response to Original message
2. Shouldn't those assholes be helping the Katrina victims instead? n/t
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
3. New strategy: Not counter-protest, but re-direction
Edited on Mon Sep-05-05 10:15 PM by IanDB1
Insead of going to counter-protest, instead show-up and recruit help for the hurricane victims.

Be sure to tell any press that shows up what you're doing.

"These people are out here protesting for 'parent's rights.' What about the rights of parents to have food, water, medicine and a home for their children? What about the rights of parents whose children have died in the wake of the hurricane? I'm out here to ask these people who care so much about parent's rights to put their money where their mouths are and actually do something meaningful. His son saw a book about gay people, well, boo-hoo. What about the father whose son is floating face-down in New Orleans?"
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