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From the North Shore Democratic Update

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Caution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-17-04 09:14 AM
Original message
From the North Shore Democratic Update
(I'm hoping it's ok to post a message begging for campaign contributions here...didn't see anything in the rules against it).

I just gave the guy $20 and I'm hoping some du'ers will be able to give $10 or so.

Dear Friend,

Interested in how you can be a part of the beginning of the end of
Mitt Romney? Is "handing Mitt a one way ticket to Utah" on
your list of things to do in 2006? The best way to secure your
position as travel agent for Romney is to impact the outcome of this
years legislative races. We have all heard about the "credit
line" candidates that the Republicans are trying to sell to the
voters, but there are some real quality Democrats that are
challenging incumbent Republicans. What better way to start the
process of dismantling Mitt Romney than to reduce the number of
friends he has in the house and senate.

On the North Shore, we have a great opportunity to alert the voters
in the First Essex and Middlesex of the ineffectiveness of State
Senator Bruce Tarr. Senator Tarr is being challenged by a great
Democrat, Gloucester resident Paul McGeary. I strongly encourage
you to get familiar with Paul and his campaign. Take a minute to
review his website

If you agree that by electing Paul McGeary to the Massachusetts
Senate, that we will be well on our way to electing a Democrat as
governor in 2006, then I ask you to make one small gesture. Please
send $10.00 to Paul McGeary. Consider it your contribution to a one
way ticket for Mitt Romney. The North Shore Democratic Update has
over 1900 subscribers. If each of us sent $10.00 to Paul McGeary it
would greatly improve his ability to compete financially. If you
are a regular reader of the UPDATE and appreciate its content, then
I ask you to show your appreciation by sending one small check.

The First Essex and Middlesex District is made up of 17 communities
that run from Gloucester to Wilmington. This district voted
overwhelmingly for Mitt Romney in 2002. By helping Paul MeGeary to
run a competitive an effective campaign, we will all benefit in

Please send your check for $10.00 made payable to the Committee to
Elect Paul McGeary PO Box 3069 Gloucester, MA 01930. Those of us
who are helping Paul are competing to see who can raise the most for
his campaign. In the memo section of your check, please write
UPDATE. Your contribution will be recognized as a friend of the
North Shore Democratic Update.

Thanks for your continued interest, support and encouragement.

Arthur Powell
Democratic State Committee
2nd Essex District
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Kathy in Cambridge Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-19-04 07:59 AM
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1. Done
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