and one day I started at the beggining and read it straight through with some sleep in between. Boy what an eyeopener that was for me. I had that name wrong,it`s: The People`s History of the United States.There are so many things few people know of. Something I found of particular interest is the section that deals with: Shay`s Rebellion.Some returning Veterans of the revolutionary war to Western Massachusetts: towns like Northampton,Pittsfield,Worster and in Rhode Island and New Hampshire were coming home and finding that those who had stayed home and not gone were going after thier property for non-payment of debt. There were a number of rebellions really . Anyway these veterans would get together and prevent auctions from being held, closing down courthouses and such to protect thier property from being taken. And none other than THE Samuel Adams took it upon himself to get the Govenor to order out the State militia to put down these rebellions and sucessfully argued to have 6 of the Rebels hung among many other things he did to go after these men who had fought the war at the instigation of Samuel Adams and others and now he led the charge, so to speak to put down thier rebelion which was their way of hanging onto their farms to point of having them hung when a general Lincoln in charge of the State militia was arguing for mercy. I always think of that we I see his face on those Samuel Adams Beer bottles.Pages 90 -95. I trully was amazed at what a real two faced vindictive bastard he turned out to be.He was no man of the People. ...Oscar