To date, the ACLU has sponsored rendition/torture forums with Reps. Meehan and Frank; another is scheduled for tomorrow night in Worcester with Jim McGovern.
For more information, go to Emergency Town Meeting
Tuesday, April 11, 7-9PM @ Clark University, Johnson Auditorium, Sackler Building, 950 Main St., Worcester
Featuring: Congressman Jim McGovern; Nancy Murray, ACLU of MA; and Russ Chernin, attorney
...and another is scheduled for April 20 in Woods Hole.
Cape Cod Emergency Town Meeting
Thursday, April 20, 7-9PM @ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Redfield Auditorium, 45 Water Street, Woods Hole
Featuring: Congressman Bill Delahunt; Former Congressman Bob Barr (R-GA), Carol Rose, ACLU of MA
Gloucester has been put on hold.
According to my sources, Rep. Tierney is "interested" but will not commit to a date.
Interested? Sheesh. If you live in his district, call his office and urge him to commit to a date.