Dear Friends,
I finished taping, just this morning, my very first debate, and I have to say it was a good experience. I really enjoyed the opportunity to talk about some of my vision for Massachusetts.
I also want you to know that yesterday I sent Tom and Chris a Democratic Unity Plan. I hope you will join me in encouraging them to take it, and to keep us all on a positive plane as we move through this campaign season.
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You can read the letter I sent them below, or you can read it on my website. Also, be sure to watch the debate on Sunday at 8:30 AM on CBS 4 Boston.
My letter to Tom and Chris:
Dear Tom and Chris:
There can be no doubt that our Party's divisive and late primaries have contributed to the difficulty Democrats have had in winning the race for Governor of Massachusetts. I hope you agree that too much is at stake for our Party, our Commonwealth and, frankly, the Nation for us not to learn from this history.
Yesterday, at the Victory '06 launch, our Party chair called for unity. All three of us stood with him in agreement that if we work together we can deliver a Democratic victory in November. I believe that.
In that spirit, I am asking you to join me in committing to a plan to assure a dignified, substantive primary, and a Democratic victory in November. I propose three parts to the plan:
First , join me in agreeing to actively support the Democratic nominee — whoever of us it may be —beginning the morning after the primary vote. To be successful this year, we will not have the luxury of prolonging our own differences once the primary is over.
Second , join me in a pledge against negative advertising. Specifically, let's agree not to name any other Democratic candidate in any of our respective campaign's paid advertising. Let's keep our focus on substance and vision, on why we, as individuals and as Democrats, should hold the highest executive office in Massachusetts. It is what the voters want and deserve.
Third , let's commit to at least one media-sponsored debate each month between now and the primary. It can be on television, the radio or the Internet. Let's do some with Spanish and Portuguese outlets, as well as in additional languages that may be helpful to voters. We have real and principled differences in vision and policy. Let's give the voters a chance to choose based on substance, not just rhetoric.
I ask you to join me in these three, simple concepts. I believe this is a better way to present a spirited and exciting primary to Democratic primary voters, and to ensure a Democratic victory in November.
I look forward to your prompt response.
Deval L. Patrick
Democratic Candidate for Governor
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