Here's the OP from GD:
MiniMe (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-11-08 03:07 PM
Original message
ATTN: Michigan Voters and others re: fraudulent mailing
Just heard this on Thom Hartman's show, he has a guest host today. People are getting absentee ballots in the mail that they didn't request. They are coming from the McCain campaign and they include a postage paid envelope to send the "absentee ballot" back to the RNC. If you get one of these absentee ballots, do NOT return it. Save everything that came with it, including the envelope, and take it to everybody you can think of. Including your local election board, and your local democratic organizations.
Most of the people calling in today were from Michigan, that is why I specified Michigan in the post title, but I'm sure it is happening in other battleground states also. This reeks of Rove and Election Fraud. Shout it out, spread the word.