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Powerful Anti-Knollenberg Ad by Michigan Humane Society

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Hidden Stillness Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-23-08 01:15 PM
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Powerful Anti-Knollenberg Ad by Michigan Humane Society
I am not from Republican Joe Knollenberg's District (lucky me), but an anti-Knollenberg ad that has been running on TV is worth mentioning anyway. It is by the Michigan Humane Society, and shows you what kind of a vicious prick this Knollenberg is. The ad features a voice-over narration, with serious background music quietly playing, and on-screen captions almost the same as the voice-over, except that the captions are "headline" type, and the vocal narration has complete sentences of the same.

Voice-Over: "Joe Knollenberg has one of the worst records on animal cruelty in the country."
(A picture on-screen of two puppies behind a fence, possibly at a puppy mill.)

"He voted against preventing sick cows from entering the food supply."
(Sad, disturbing picture of a cow dragging itself along on a floor at a factory-farm business, crying and unable to stand.)

"He voted to allow the killing of threatened Polar Bears--"
(Picture of a bloody Polar Bear, skinned, being held up by hunters.)

"--And the slaughtering of American horses."
(Picture of dead horse, hanging in a slaughterhouse room, about to be butchered.)

"Joe Knollenberg even voted against enforcing the law used to stop dog-fighting."
(Picture of dogs fighting in ring.)

Now screen fades to black; voice-over: "It's Time for a New Congressman." Then to identifying information, "The Humane Society Legislative Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising." End.

This was a very disturbing and well-done ad; clear and facing the issues, but not with such graphic video that you can't stand to even look at it. What kind of an evil bastard fights every single legal protection for animals, never supporting ANYTHING? Along with all of the other issues, this too, is a reason to get rid of that damned bastard Republican.

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ajacobson Donating Member (828 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-31-08 08:22 PM
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This ad is NOT from the Michigan Humane Society. MHS is a charitable organization and can't endorse candidate. The ad is from the Humane Society Legislative Fund, which is affiliated with the Humane Society of the US. This is important because the perception that MHS is involved in partisan politics could be very damaging to MHS's tax status and fundraising capacity.

Knollenberg is pure scum, don't get me wrong, but I just had to clarify your post.
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gasperc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-04-08 09:39 AM
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2. You know your fucked
when the Humane society is running ads against you. I mean, Jeez, what kind of an asshole do you have to be to get the Humane society to cough up the dough to run ads against you?
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