I was listening to the radio this morning and learned a very important number. 120,000. That is how many Michigan residents that receive unemployment will lose their benefits as of November 30. Our unemployment number state-wide, was 13.5. Second highest in the Nation with Nevada leading. There have been reports that the state-wide number has dropped to 12.8,but sources have been sketchy at best. I do know that all the new projects for employment that will be coming to Michigan the so-called NERD will get all the credit. The House vote denied unemployment benefits to millions. the highly esteemed Congresswoman Candice Miller our former Secretary of State was one of those who voted to deny benefits to Millions and to Residents of Michigan. I just thought there might be some who would be interesting in knowing that little piece of information. And I was just wondering out of 120,000 people how many actually sat this election cycle out thinking it did not matter. Strange how some will advocate for their own demise.