Edited on Sat Jan-08-11 05:15 AM by Occulus
Oh, I FINALLY got logged in and paid my bill, but STILL.... I think I'm done....
I am DONE with Charter. I will be canceling my account next week. I just went online to try to pay my bill, got denied a login, went into chat with a service rep who wanted me to change my password so I could log in and pay my bill........
..... and their system would not accept creation of ANY of the passwords I have EVER memorized! I tried my "garbage" password first, one that reads "^%GH897RD." (FOR EXAMPLE- that's not it, just an example) AS WELL AS the reverse of that, and one or two others. Those four passwords represent ALL of the passwords I have memorized and I HAD TO REVEAL THEM ALL to the service rep, and surprise surprise, ALL of them were rejected for one reason or another.
So. I just revealed every last password I normally use to some Charter service rep. Boy oh fucking BOY do I feel secure! That garbage PW took WEEKS to memorize, and I use it on multiple sites. NOW I have to change it to remain secure in OTHER things, as well as every other password I use on every other site I buy stuff on, INCLUDING ITUNES. THANKS, Charter.
So who do y'all recommend that provides cable modem internet with an unlimited download plan in the SW MI area? I do NOT want Comcast or AT&T for obvious reasons.
I absolutely require an unlimited download plan for cable internet and I am willing to pay for it. Just today I downloaded upward of thirty gigabytes; I had to reinstall Windows, which means reinstalling Steam, which means re-downloading ALL my games, and that's a FUCKTON of data, friends.
I'll be getting an Android phone, and paying by the month for that, on a contract. I didn't want to DO that at all, but perhaps it's time. I had all my media bills in one place, but the company doesn't want to easily and painlessly accept my payment, so I want other options.