The show is called "Off the Record". It's hosted by Tim Skubick on Michigan Public Television. I watch it on Sunday morning at about 11:30 a.m. on Detroit's public TV station.
Skubick is the Godfather of political reporters in Michigan. He appears on TV, on the radio, and in newspapers, and has been doing so for years.
I've been watching his tv show for I don't know how long. The show has a "round table" format where Tim sits at a table and chats with about three other journalists. Most of the others are regulars chosen from a small pool to appear on the weekly episode. A couple of the journalists are kind of pompous, but all of them are excellent journalists - something that is sadly missing from the national political talk shows. Peter Luke is the best of the guests. Of course, there's that one lady I'm on love with. Beauty and brains...
The gang will spend the first 15 minutes talking about Michigan politics generally, and then their special guest will join them for the final 15 minutes.
Then something incredible happens: The politican sits down, and answers several questions from the journalists. Amazing... you have an interest in Michigan politics, then you should definately watch this show. Seeing journalists ask probing questions of a politican is an incredible thing to see these days. They ask follow-up questions, they pry, they get answers. It's incredible.