A steadfast Democrat
JACKSON -- This letter is in response to Amanda Norman (Nov. 18 Voice of the People) and others like her who would like for Democrats to just go away and move to another country. I am afraid I cannot do that.
First, I am an American. I was born in America, I will die in America, and I love this country.
And because I love this country, I hate to see the erosion of civil liberties that this country was founded on.
The Bush administration and radical right-wingers in the Oval Office, House, Senate, Cabinet, media and courts may feel unstoppable right now. But the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights are bigger than them, and contain the tools to stop their insanity and stupidity if people of good conscience decide this country is worth fighting for. So I'll be here.
Also, someday in the future, the chickens will come home to roost. More kids are dying overseas in an ill-advised war and other ill-advised wars in the next four years certainly can't be ruled out.
Poverty rates are rising, especially among babies and children. Working people will face economic pains and trials even as the wealthy grow ever wealthier. The true effects of some policies affecting things like Medicare and Social Security will begin to become apparent and it will not be pretty.
The civil liberties of our fellow Americans will continue to be infringed upon.
When these things happen, you'll want to know where to find me. Not so I can say, "I told you so," but so I can say, "Let's work together to fix this."
When that day comes, I'll be here.
I love this country too much and believe too strongly in the principles it stands for to give up on it now.
Benjamin Roberts