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Michigan right wing Minister of Propoganda announces his retirement

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Lefty48197 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 07:57 PM
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Michigan right wing Minister of Propoganda announces his retirement
I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news, but Comerica Bank "Chief Economist" David Littman has announced his retirement. At first glance, it appears that David's reliable voice for the right-wing is going to be silenced, but it's possible he's planning a further assault on American workers by going to work with one right-wing "think tank" or another.

In case you doubt David's radical conservative bias, here's a link and quote that sum things up nicely.

David wrote, "Considering the vast number of economists trained in leftist universities and fed socialist soup, it’s refreshing to encounter some who found truth or who got mugged by economic reality. Economists Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell overcame the odds, made distinguished careers for themselves, and contributed immensely to the education of others through their writings, lectures, and the fortitude of their character."

For quite some time, David Littman has been a very important cog in the right-wing propoganda machine. David's full name is: "David Littman, Chief Economist, Comerica Bank - Detroit". Do a google search on his name, nearly every article refers to him in a very similar manner.

Chief Economist at Comeric Bank you say? Wow! He must be a really smart guy! And he must know a lot about economics, too. We should probably turn to him for unbiased information about the economy, and have blind faith in everything he says.

THAT'S what the right-wingers want. They want everybody to think that David is an economic expert, and that he has an UNBIASED opinion. Put him on the radio without explaining his right-wing background, and people will tend to believe him, since people are naturally trusting. The right wingers know that too. That's the human flaw they are exploiting: Our inherent need to trust.

The ubiquitous quotes by David Littman lead me to believe that the newspapers and radio shows that quote him are reading from a script supplied to them, by... By whom? By David?

Where do newspapers, radio and television stations get their quotes? How do they all seem to come up with quotes from David Littman, Chief Economist at Comerica Bank of Detroit? Why do the quotes always seem so well-timed, and why are his quotes always used to support the policies of George W. Bush and his right-wing Congress?

I get the feeling it will take a lot of scholarly research to fully uncover the corporate structure of the Republican propoganda machine.

When listening to David's propoganda, It's obvious that his job is to support the policies of the Republican Party, plain and simple. Whenever Team Bush needs a quote from an "expert" to support their wayward policies, they know they can count on David Littman to say absolutely ANYTHING to support their agenda. The operatives in the propoganda machine then take the quote and see to it that their friends at the newspapers, and radio and television stations of America will give exposure to his comments, and thereby add legitimacy to the Republican agenda.

For example, when Bush needed help pushing his regressive dividend tax cut policy, David was right there ready to lend "legitimacy" to their scheme.

"A dozen Wall Street economists met last week with President Bush and Treasury Secretary John Snow to talk up the benefits to investors and the economy of ending the individual tax liability on dividends. The proposal – the centerpiece of the President’s massive $726 billion tax-cut plan -- faces an uphill battle in Congress."

When other lunatic right wingers such as those at Michigan's "Mackinac Center for Public Policy" push for policies that will take money out of the pockets of workers, and put that money into the already overstuffed pockets of America's wealthy, they too turn to David Littman to help support their agenda:

"Littman points to the Big Three unionized automakers, arguing that even if auto sales pick up, profit margins are so thin that they are unlikely to hire new workers." (In other words: Work for the same wages as the Chinese, and you will have a job)

The game doesn't end at our shores either. The Republicans see to it that David's quotes are read around the world too. It appears that people in other countries are shielded from the truth in the same ways that we are: They are prevented from hearing it, because the airwaves are filled with viewpoints contrary to the truth.
Here's some examples of foreign news services quoting David Littman. I can't imagine David spends any more time speaking the truth to foreigners, than he does to us.

Not to the French
or the Greeks
or the Polish
Not to those that speak Spanish either
Germans? Nope.
Dutch? Nope again.

(I wonder if David tells the Chinese that they are going to lose THEIR jobs if they don't work for less money?)

David is even quoted in FreeRepublic.Com

"She (Michigan Governor, Jennifer Granholm) wants to rally other rust belt governors around a plan to help manufacturers stay and expand in their states by pressuring the federal government for regulatory reforms and a more-level playing field for international trade. She particularly pointed to lopsided trade with China, which has benefited from its currency's non-floating relationship with the U.S. dollar.

But David Littman, chief economist at Comerica Bank in Detroit, said political rhetoric will not change the realities of the rust belt and the willingness of businesses to shut down and move to more accommodating locations.

"The incentives aren't here," he said. "Odds are they are elsewhere, where someone wants what we once had."

(Again, you'll have to work for Chinese level wages if you want to keep you job, sorry)

WJR 760 AM Detroit has turned into "The Hate Voice of the Great Lakes" with their constant emphasis on right wing propoganda. An integral part of that scheme is to have David Littman on as a regular guest to help morning host Paul W. "Dubyah" Smith cheer on the Bush administration.

When Howard Dean began to look like a threat to the Republicans just prior to the Iowa caucus', David was right there to slander Howard:

"It's absolute economic insanity," said David Littman, chief economist at Comerica Bank in Detroit (speaking about Dean's ideas to 'level the playing field' with the Chinese). "People call him a doctor, but he's clearly not a doctor in economics."

Gas prices too high? Need to distract the public from the fact that they are being ripped off by big oil? Here's David Littman ready and willing to blame those damned Democrats and their liberal environmental policies:

David Littman, chief economist of Detroit-based Comerica Bank has addressed another environmental policy. Under "clean air" requirements, 17 "boutique fuels" are sold in the country, making it nearly impossible for distributors to shift supplies around as prices dictate. Littman called for an end to the fuel requirements, saying "the federal government should remove the regulatory restrictions to supply and immediately rescind the gasoline-reformulation requirements until further notice. It is the so-called boutique fuels that are absorbing all of the refining capacity in this country." (Yeah, David. THAT'S why gas cost so much!)

Want to try and convince the people that any and all tax cuts are the best thing that could happen to them? Who ya gonna call? Wage Busters!

"We're not going to have any tax cuts, so we need something to create disposable income for auto sales and retail activity in general," Littman said.

(No more tax cuts? Please say it ain't so, David!!!!!)

Got a right-wing extremist candidate running for office who needs an "unbiased opinion" to help fool the voters? David Littman, Chief Economist, Comerica Bank - Detroit, Reporting for Duty, Sir!

Here's a couple of quotes from gun nut Jon Coon:
Asked about the new ban on assault weapons, this hard-charging disciple of the National Rifle Association insists they are "defense weapons."

Concluding a Memorial Day appearance on WJR's Kevin Joyce Show, Coon said of the two Republicans and six Democrats seeking gubernatorial nominations: "We'll be waiting -- guns lowered -- for them to come out of this (Aug. 2) primary."

Here's what Littman had to say about Coon:

Comerica Bank Vice-President David Littman, who said Coon has qualified for the Nov. 8 ballot and "is staunchly pro-business and pro-market. He is a defender of private property rights and speaks eloquently on behalf of a better business climate."

I sincerely hope that Davit Littman is really retiring. The world will be a better place, when he does.
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PassingFair Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 12:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. I used to hear this guy spew
in the mornings on my clock radio. I'd get mad enough to reach over an shut him off.
I didn't need all the quotes to know what a shameless shill he was for *Co.

I got tired of waking up mad and no longer wake up to WJR.

Oh, I USED to listen to Ted Nugent in the morning. Put the alarm/radio on the other side of the room. Sooner or later (usually SOONER) I'd be up and charging over to hit the button dooming him to silence.

He was REALLY disgusting.
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Lefty48197 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-05 12:52 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. That's funny
I stopped listening to WJR a long time ago too, because I couldn't get any peace from the right wing bullshit. Even first thing in the morning, they'd have some tape of Limbaugh or Hannity or some other crap. I had no choice but to switch stations.
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PassingFair Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-05 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. 1310 1310 1310!!!!!
We have AAR on 1310! Now I'll NEVER get out of bed!
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