"R" - It's the
scarelet letter, not the scarlet letter. I think the one that's making me most nauseous is Marty Knollenberg's (son of fascist Joe), despite becoming the target of juniorpsychobitchfromhell, Debbie Schlussel ...
Then, there is the Knollenberg family--Republican U.S. Congressmen Joe Knollenberg and his son Marty, a candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives. Both Knollenbergs accepted thousands in campaign contributions from the Nijad Fares family. Until recently, Fares' father, Issam Fares, was the Syrian-installed, Hezbollah-backed Deputy Prime Minister of Lebanon. Why would the Fareses care about the Michigan legislature? Well, they wouldn't. But Mar(t)y Knollenberg's Congressman father--as a high-ranking member of the House International Relations Committee--introduced successful legislation in 2000 (along with then-U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham), which sent at least $86 million (Knollenberg sought $268 million) in USAID funds to Hezbollah-controlled Southern Lebanon for the ostensible purpose of rebuilding hospitals and infrastructure allegedly "destroyed" by Israel. The money has never been tracked.
http://www.debbieschlussel.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1144The TV ads for Marty are truly vomit-inducing, attempting to show that cretin as a "small businessman" "with a solution" for the economy, portraying him at an easel of crayon-scrawled catch-words. Tax cuts. Reduced spending. But more for Defense, of course. Unfreakingreal.
What clueless Debbie seems to totally miss is that Spencer Abraham was/is a thrid-generation American of Lebanese descent - not at all ignored when Spencer the Dim was trolling for votes. Furthermore, John Akouri, currently a councilman for Farmington Hills (in Joe's gerrymandered district) and formerly Joe's Press Secretary and Communications Director, is a Lebanese-American who's very active with the American Lebanese community. (Well, fucking D'UH!)
I'd love to pamphleteer the area's GOP households with Debbies column ... and the key paragraph highlighted.
Petard. Hoist.