know, after reading this wonderful article about Maryann Mahaffey, I came across a thread in GD about Lamont and Lieberman both trying to get Al Sharpton's endorsement (Lamont got it) and it struck me how typically cynical they were being when it comes to white politicians and black voters (yes even among our precious Democrats) and how unique someone like Maryann Mahaffey truly was. I don't think Maryann Mahaffey ever needed Al Sharpton to come and campaign for her to get the most votes of any candidate for council as a white woman running for office in a city that is 80% black. All these other pols seem to care about is the black
vote and getting endorsements from people with credibility in the black community who can deliver support by proxy. It reminds me of that Stevie Wonder song
Big Brother. Every heard that one? "You just come to visit me round election time.." Remember that line?
Maryann Mahaffey was different. She
earned the support of African-Americans (and everyone else in the city) by simply doing her job the way it's supposed to be done in a democratic system and actually serving her constituents and standing up for their interests and not just caving in to those of the rich, powerful, and influential (What a novel concept!). She believed it was her job to fight for the people and not just play games to further her own ambition. She got her credibility by earning it through her own words and her own deeds. She didn't have to contract out the job to Al Sharpton.