There have been two recent "slam DeVos" ads that are really fabulous, and a slightly earlier ad just showing Granholm telling a little about her background and pledge to continue that work. These ads, finally, are really hard-hitting, have real content, come out swinging, and are exciting and great. Also, finally, they are playing several times a day. I taped these, (starting with the two recent "slam DeVos" ones):
The "comparison" ad--(Ad shows text on screen, as narrator says:) After Dick DeVos laid off nearly 1400 workers at Amway, his company in Michigan, (Detroit Free Press, July 19, 2005) he went to Asia He invested $200 million in China (Grand Rapids Business Journal, October 27, 2005) (now a video shows on screen, with caption, "Amway factory workers Guangdong, China 2003") and even opened up a factory, creating thousands of jobs there (South China Morning Post, February 14, 2004) (video again of Amway factory workers, Guangdong, China 2003; captioned) (then shows Granholm) Governor Jennifer Granholm traveled to Asia over $200 million in new investments for Michigan (Detroit News, May 19, 2006) and over 1000 new Michigan jobs. (Detroit News May 19, 2006) Two plans Two results One huge difference Paid for by Michigan Democratic State Central Committee
The new "The truth about DeVos"/"The worse it gets" ad: (narration and text on screen, w/ DeVos background, talking onscreen, but mercifully silent:) The Truth about Dick DeVos and China? Finally, Dick DeVos admitted he cut Michigan jobs and created jobs in China (WILX TV interview September 6, 2006) Fact: "During DeVos' tenure at Alticor, the company laid off 1,400 workers in Michigan and invested $200 million in China." The Detroit News August 14, 2006 Fact: (narrator says "he," quote says "we") "we invested $200 million in China" Dick DeVos Published letter from Dick DeVos in the Detroit News May 17, 2006 Fact: He built a factory there and created thousands of jobs for China -Dick DeVos TV ad September 7, 2006 Alticor Media Blog April 13, 2006 Is that what Michigan needs? Dick DeVos The more you know The worse it gets Paid for and Authorized by Jennifer M. Granholm for Governor
There is also a really good one that has been running a little longer, showing Granholm, just talking directly to the camera: "I've put criminals who abuse the elderly in nursing homes behind bars. As a Federal prosecutor, I convicted kidnappers, and drug dealers, and child pornographers... And now as Governor, I've signed into law mandatory criminal background checks for anyone working in nursing homes and child care centers. The world is no longer simple--and that means we have to fight with everything we've got, to protect..our..families." Paid for and Authorized by Jennifer M. Granholm for Governor
I like that one because it reminds people of Granholm's great background as Michigan Attorney General, and before that, the top lawyer in Frank Kelly's Attorney General office. Also, the "jobs" ad referring to the comparison between Granholm and DeVos might mention that Granholm has increased jobs in Michigan, while the National economy, under Bush and Cheney (and Halliburton, Enron, etc.), has LOST net jobs, so she has a better record than the economy as a whole. There is also a wild ad from I don't know who, very snide and sarcastic, showing the Michigan Legislature as a bunch of Republican elephant heads, allowing the import of Canadian garbage, and I can't remember what else, with that horrible '80s overly sarcastic, mocking voice, annoying "music," etc. Although the message is accurate, I can't stand that mocking tone, which only makes me hate the speaker, whoever it is. The Granholm/Michigan Dems ads, though, are really great--a lot of real content.
I have also caught a few nice Stabenow ads, very low-key and only informative because I think she is so far ahead in the polls that she doesn't have to get critical. One of them is Stabenow telling of some of her accomplishments and what she plans to continue fighting for, but there is also another, really good one that I have caught twice (don't have on tape). It features a head of a manufacturing corporation telling how China steals patents, I think it was, and blasting the Bush Administration, who "wouldn't help," but "Stabenow did," and got legislation passed that would help Michigan manufacturing businesses and jobs, by cracking down on this global corporate crime. It was a manufacturer, a "business type," telling how disastrous and unhelpful the Bush Administration has been to us here in Michigan, how Stabenow actually solved the problem, and how she is good for businesses and jobs here. Nice angle. I do not agree with everything Stabenow does by a long shot--(she voted for the corporate bill disguised as a "Medicare" drug benefit, which I call the "Bankrupt Medicare Patients Bill," etc.)--but she is generally good. The Granholm ads, though, are fabulous; it shows the Michigan Democrats, anyway, may finally be fighting like Democrats again, and getting rid of the "D"LC nightmare.