For some bizarre reason, I have been getting calls from the DeVos campaign, although this household has always been registered Democratic. Possibly, every phone number in Michigan has been targeted. I let them play and recorded them, although I wanted to push "Stop" and then vomit. The first one, from a couple of weeks ago, is rather ordinary and is at least credited, yet gives the dishonest, vague "DeVos is the expert and will help the economy" routine. The second one, though, which just came today, (or--Wednesday), is disgusting. It purports to be a stereotypical "middle class union male" type, never states that it is paid for by the DeVos campaign or Republicans, and has a sickening, lying message from beginning to end. It pretends to be from a union something-or-other, no doubt deliberately muddled word, yet blames "union bosses," which only rich capitalists talk like. I don't know if other people here have gotten any of these calls, but they are very offensive and deceitful.
"Hello, my name is Cassandra and I'm a local volunteer calling on behalf of the Michigan Republicans. As a concerned Michigan resident and tax-payer, I urge you to support Dick DeVos for Governor, because he has the experience, leadership, and ideas we need to turn Michigan's economy around. This call has been paid for by the Michigan Republican Party. Thank you and have a great day."
"Hi. This is Keith, from Local 653. I've been a union (then, incoherent word) member for 30 years. Have you heard the attacks against Dick DeVos and China? I have. So I've got the truth. Don't just listen to another political attack by union bosses--get the facts. Log on to thetruthaboutchina.com. We all know it's an election year; it's important to get the truth--not just one side's view."
The idea that these people have so little honesty as to put on a fake "union member" routine--from "Local 653" no less--complete with stereotypical broken, not-too-bright wording, like this is a "straight shooter" "just like us," who has "discovered" the big problem of "lies" here and is going to tell "the rest of us" now, is really just so disgusting, just like the rest of the frauds of DeVos's campaign. Note also the typical Republican attempt to confuse and kill memory, with the "just like The Truth About Dick DeVos" phony website address.