The Michigan League of Conservation Voters has endorsed Jennifer Granholm for re-election, saying the Democratic governor vastly improved the state's environmental record during her first term.
"Those who understand the nuances and importance of protecting the Great Lakes, preserving the state's spectacular public lands and moving toward a future of cleaner energy, such as Governor Granholm, should be the ones leading us into the 21st century," the league's director, Lisa Wozniak, said in a news release Wednesday.
The organization praised Granholm for setting new standards that would reduce mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants by 90 percent by 2015, signing legislation to protect Michigan waters from large-scale withdrawals, and calling for the development of an energy plan for the state.
The league warned that Granholm's Republican opponent, Dick DeVos, has funded organizations such as the Midland-based Mackinac Center for Public Policy that support drilling for oil in the Great Lakes and selling off state parks to raise money for the state.