No, not these last two years. Dick DeVos has an ad that rants about Michigan losing 109,000 manufacturing jobs during the 3 1/2 years that Jennifer Granholm has been Governor. The two years when Michigan lost 150,000 manufacturing jobs were the last two years of Englers last term."6. Republican Dick DeVos says in his TV ads that Michigan has lost 109,000 manufacturing jobs since Jennifer Granholm became governor in 2003. How many manufacturing jobs left the state in the two years before Granholm succeeded John Engler?
A. Fewer than 10,000.
B. About 50,000.
C. About 109,000.
D. More than 150,000."
Answer: "6. D;"
Funny how the Republicans weren't crying that we need to "improve the business climate" at that time isn't it? Or how they weren't saying that we had to eliminate the SBT. They weren't saying that the Governor was a failure either. Funny, eh?