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The Worst DeVos Phone Message Yet! They are Panicking at the End

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Hidden Stillness Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-06-06 09:33 PM
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The Worst DeVos Phone Message Yet! They are Panicking at the End
I just received this afternoon the worst, most hysterical DeVos phone message I have yet gotten. This shows you what they will do when they are down, how they will stop at nothing, and how if they have to, they will go right for your throat. There was a segment on tonight's "Countdown" on Republican "robo-calls," which annoy and offend listeners by haranguing and carping, etc., yet which never mention the Republican campaign they are actually from. Instead, they mention, over and over, the name of the Democratic opponent during the call, trying to get people to get sick and tired of the "Democratic calls," and associate the annoyance with the name of the Democrat. This would explain the DeVos calls that never mention DeVos's name, but name Gov. Granholm over and over. Besides DeVos being repulsive and therefore best avoided, it tags Granholm with the annoyance of these recurring calls. Yet again, there was no credit given at the end of it, and Caller ID showed "Number Blocked"--comforting. "Countdown" mentioned that Democratic campaign offices have gotten many calls from people complaining about the annoying calls coming from "the Democrat," when of course, they came from the devil.

"I'm mad about Jennifer Granholm's support for killing mourning doves, in addition to her lying about her opponent. She'll do anything to get re-elected, including pushing an extreme measure to allow for the hunting of mourning doves. Granholm lied to us about stopping sand-mining along our lakeshores, and now pushes the murder of mourning doves. We can't trust Granholm. She'll do anything just to keep her political office."

Note that Granholm has never supported the dove hunting thing, that I have ever heard--"...the murder of mourning doves"... Also, just a few minutes later, I got yet another, new, "Welfare" phone message. You don't realize just how threatening the current Republican Party has become until you get a slew of these horrible phone messages; God, they will stop at nothing, and will destroy everyone in their path. You keep sending them to me, and I will keep posting them.
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barrytonmi Donating Member (34 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-06-06 09:44 PM
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1. Check out this site...

Some really interesting facts on the site, including references to calls like you got. My blood pressure went up about 40 points!
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noamnety Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-06-06 10:18 PM
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2. My favorite one
was a robo call complaining about Granholm's people doing annoying robo calls.

The husband and I just stared at each other in disbelief.
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adadem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-06-06 11:55 PM
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3. Unlisted number
we haven't gotten one robo-call...worth the money.
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ScreamingMeemie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-07-06 06:04 AM
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4. 6 Bouchard phone calls in one day...
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gasperc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-07-06 08:58 AM
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5. how about Devos's insane mail hit pieces
the governor made my home heating bill sky rocket
the governor made my water bill skyrocket
the governor releases felons into my neighborhood

and the Devos campaign says the governor lies? Yikes
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bif Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-07-06 10:14 AM
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6. A friend in Detroit got this one!
It was an African-American woman complaining about Jennifer Granholm is shifting money from Detroit to the suburbs. Over and over. It was really bad.
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americanwomanone Donating Member (247 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-07-06 11:42 AM
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7. Actually Granholm did waffle on the mourning dove.
Before she was elected this mourning dove "thing" had already come up. I know because I was involved from the beginning. She stated at the time that she would never allow it. Well we know what happened, she caved under the pressure and did allow a "limited" season. That is until we fought it in court and it was stopped until it could be put on the ballot, which today it is. She let me and a lot of us down. I never intended to vote for her again............until DeVos showed up.
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